Thursday, December 11, 2008

The tears of a skronk.

Chasing the bright elusive butterfly of love...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

1901 - Annie Edson Taylor becomes the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel.1901 -Oct 24

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'd walk a mile for a Camel-toe

Before you criticize a man you should walk a mile in his shoes. That way you are a mile away from him and you have his shoes.

Mike the Headless Chicken

Mike the Headless Chicken is now an institution in Fruita, Colorado, with an annual "Mike the Headless Chicken Day", the third weekend of May, starting in 1999. Events held include the "5K Run Like a Headless Chicken Race", egg toss, "Pin the Head on the Chicken", the "Chicken Cluck-Off", and "Chicken Bingo", in which chicken droppings on a numbered grid choose the numbers.
from Wikipedea

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pud Pud in Weird World

The spontaneous generation of dynamite,
the silhouette of passage,
or the option of self-replication:
Ultimately, a problem of art, not of science.
A big bang indeed.

I must find a more suitable host body.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

She sealed me in the vault and smirked goodbye.

sailing around the fractal labyrinth of island-dotted coves near Qeqertarsuatsiaat, about 60 kilometers (37 miles) west of camp, the ranger had seen four craters freshly carved from the coastal foothills.

Dark rocks lay inside.

“It was an intense moment,” Christensen recounted the next morning. “Everyone was so excited. We must have burned an hour of satellite time tracking down the guy and arranging for him to guide us to the site.”

More good news followed:
the weather system that had paralyzed the team was breaking up at last.

The helicopter would pick them up
shortly after dawn to go inspect the craters..

go inspect the craters...

go inspect the craters..

go inspect the craters..

go inspect the craters..

go inspect the craters..

go inspect the craters.


sue me